Biopulsar Assessments

What Does Your Auroa Say About You?

Enrich your life by implementing an inexpensive, quick and simple biofeedback method of analysis to your holistic health and wellness program. We encourage before and after assessments of your conventional or alternative therapy sessions to validate your treatment and to document your progress overtime.

Holistic Assessments:

Mind, Body & Spirit Consultation, 90 Minutes

The whole health consultation includes an assessment covering at minimum 20 biofield points, all 7 chakras, a 10 page report highlighting the details we discuss, recommendations to aid in the balancing of your energy field and centers and wellness coaching.

Initial Full Body Vitality Scan, 60 Minutes

First time clients are encouraged to do the Body, Mind, & Spirit Consultation, however if you are simply curious about the technology and your auric field this consultation will serve you well. This option does not include recommendations, report, or coaching.

Chakra Analysis, 10 Minutes

The chakra reading utilizes the Biopulsar-Reflexograph and includes a chakra card with color energy meanings and your percentiles, as well as explanation of your low point and high point. This assessment is best suited for returning clients who have had a Full Body Vitality Scan or MBS Consultation.

Health Vitality Assessments:

Immune System Check-Up, 15 Minutes
Respiratory System Check-Up, 15 Minutes
Digestive System Check-Up, 15 Minutes
Follow-up Scans, 30 Minutes
Product/Remedy Testing

Additional Biopulsar Services:

Chromo-Light Treatment (Light Based Acupressure and Reflexology) with Basic Biopulsar Assessment, 45 Minutes
Chakra Balancing (Includes Aromatherapy, Crystal Therapy, Energy Healing, and Scan), 90-120 Minutes

What Is The Aura?

The aura is your electromagnetic energy field, a projection of the vibratory rates emitted or received by your body. The aura is also part of your personality. It displays thoughts and emotions on a conscious and unconscious level, showing the energies of not only your physical condition but also your psychological condition.

Every thought is a wavelength of energy that vibrates through the neurotransmitters in your body either programming its memory cells or activating a previous program. If you have been unconsciously stagnating the energy in specific body parts (due to our lack of understanding of your body dynamics), the energy your body emits may not resonate at its full potential or frequency level and will be seen or measured at a lesser vibratory rate. This connection of the mind and body can be seen displayed by the color traits in your energy field.

When there is an emotional, mental or physical problem there is an imbalance in your body. By mindfully working with various health techniques and behavioral modifications you can bring about whatever changes you wish and in turn produce balanced chakra/aura energy and increase wellness and prevent potential health issues later.

Contact us with any questions, or book your appointment today.

Additional Services